Friday, August 2, 2013

July 31, 2013 MTC Funny Story

So great story. Y'all are going to love it!!!!

So one of the Elders in the district is from Arcadia, Cali (Where Tara’s brother is on his mission.) and his mom sends him packages at least once a day if not two or three! It’s ridiculous!! And so last week he asked us if there was anything we wanted. I said I would LOVE a diet dr pepper. He doesn’t say anything he just starts typing. So on Monday the package comes. We can’t open stuff till 9:30. So we are hanging out in the bedrooms and I wasn’t going to bring it up, have him give it to me. I see a 6 pack of bottle soda in there. So he gets out like board games and card games that his mom sent with it. And they get out Farkle to play a game. He says “Elder Olsen you are going to play right?” I say Nah. (Id rather go study get ready for bed and do what I am supposed to do. I didn’t say this out loud but what I’m thinking) so the elder says "No game, no soda". That wasn’t really a hard one. "Soda isn’t that important to me". He handed me one soda and I left. SO... the next morning I had planned to bring it with me to lunch so I can have it with ice. But I decided to bring it to breakfast. I put it in my pocket just so I wouldn’t have any problems with the people that let you into the cafeteria. I patiently got a cup of ice, sat down. I looked over at the elder that gave it to me, and said thank you as I pulled it out of my pocket. Out of sheer excitement I quickly opened it. And it exploded and sprayed ALL over me and my zone leader sitting next to me. The zone leader that went to Highland in Gilbert. Hahaha!!! It was so funny!!

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